Corporate Advisers’ Masterclass

All 8 Corporate Finance Training Courses, 25 Case Studies, 19 Checklists

Total List Price: £997

Courses Videos Price £
How to Become a Corporate Adviser
1 hr  16 mins
How to Write a Persuasive & Effective Business Plan
2 hrs 10 mins
Strategies for Buying & Selling SMEs
8 hrs 51 mins
Understanding Corporate Finance Documents 4 hrs 27 mins 247.00
Commercial Due Diligence for Buying and Selling Companies 5 hrs 14 mins 247.00
Understanding Sale and Purchase Agreements 4 hrs 13 mins 297.00
Understanding Loan Documents and Security 3 hrs 30 mins 297.00
Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances
3 hrs 57 mins
Total Video Hours 33 hrs 38 mins  
PDFs Text  
25 Case Studies
Read 147.00
19 Due Diligence Check Lists
Read 47.00
Total Price if purchased individually

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.