Course Description
Fast forward your career as a business and corporate adviser. Close the gap between where you are and where you’d like to be.
Learn how to plan, negotiate, manage and close a corporate deal at the best price and on the best terms.
Extend your technical expertise into a full corporate advisory service.
Deepen your understanding of the corporate advisory business. Achieve tangible results – measurable in job satisfaction, client satisfaction and cash.

Director of Training Roger Baden-Powell
Barrister and Stockbroker
Roger Baden-Powell qualified as a barrister and joined Joseph Sebag & Co., London stockbrokers, as a property and insurance analyst. In 1978, he became a partner of the firm and was appointed head of equity research and a Member of the London Stock Exchange. Whilst with the firm, he was seconded for two years as the London Stock Exchange Representative to the Executive of the City Panel on Take-overs and Mergers.
Corporate Adviser and Investment Manager
From 1981-1987, he was a partner of Baden-Powell, Chilcott & Co., a City of London based corporate finance and investment management firm. Corporate finance activities included advice on merges and acquisitions and general financial, commercial and legal advice. The firm also owned minority interests in an insurance broking company and an advertising agency.
Investment Banker
From 1988-95, he was with Bank Mees & Hope NV, a Dutch merchant bank (a subsidiary of ABN-Amro) and, in 1991, was appointed CEO of the bank’s UK corporate finance and investment management subsidiaries and executive chairman of the bank’s UK private client stockbrokers, Shaw & Co..
Corporate Adviser and Trainer
Since 1996, he has been a director of Baden-Powell Associates Limited (BPAL), corporate advisers. In 2002, he distilled his experience of corporate deals into 16 one-day courses which he has now presented over 700 times in and around Europe … sometimes as far away as Moscow, Riyadh and Johannesburg. Approximately 7,500 accountants, lawyers, corporate advisers, bankers and business owners have attended his one-day courses over 98% of whom have said, in their written testimonials, that his practical and commercial emphasis on examples of real deals was a very effective learning format. In 2017, he videoed his most popular courses which are now available as the "Corporate Advisers’ MasterClass"(130 videos with 33 hours of training).
Course curriculum
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

About this course
- £247.00
- 4 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content
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Corporate Advisers MasterClass